
In Arizona, between Nogales and Sasabe migrants can find shelters once they cross into United States. Those places are run by various groups and non profits providing support to migrants in the state. Here is one of those camps these days called "old camp" as it was one of the first ones.

What happens when someone you love goes missing on a European border? There is still no European law that requires governments to identify the dead and notify their families. Over half the graves we found in our investigation were buried without a name. We present the stories of Europe’s border graves in three collections of 360 degree videos, taking us to border cemeteries in Spain, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia, and Poland.

The European Union, associated with the policy of open borders, is currently surrounded by over 2,000 kilometers of border fences.

Get up close to what one of the most man-made rivers in Europe looks like.

An estimated 1,400 girls are not born every year in Armenia due to a rooted preference for male children. The son-bias combined with a lower birth rate, has led to an alarming number of sex-selective abortions. Community activities, various laws and television shows are addressing the issue - with positive results. But is the actual problem being tackled?

29.37 kilometers – at the time of writing this report, separating Kramatorsk, the temporary capital of the Donetsk Oblast, from the front line. One third of the 220,000 inhabitants remained. In the deserted city you can see mostly soldiers. They head to the front or return from it to rest for a while. The fate of Kramatorsk and eastern Ukraine depends on the outcome of fierce fighting. Military trucks and heavy equipment rush to nearby Bakhmut every day.

Quitting coal

Over 3.5 million people were evacuated by train in Ukraine in the first 50 days of the war. 94 Ukrainian railway workers were killed, and 99 staff were injured during the evacuations. How have Ukrainian Railways helped to save thousands of lives amid war?

In 2020, when the protests in Belarus started, the primary form of punishment for casual demonstrators was 15-day isolation in custody. The characters of that story are people who first met in a prison cell - they were to spend there next two weeks or a month after being arrested by the police in November 2020, when regime forces began to suppress protests with greater strength.

It's March 5, 2022. Russian troops have been attacking Irpin for some time, but the city has been under heavy artillery fire for several days. On that day, Russians announced the opening of a humanitarian corridor for the residents.

In Africa, some nomadic Kenyans found an alternative source of livelihood – gum arabic, which is used as a stabiliser in soft drinks.

Iranian farmers of the arid lands of Yazd province have been using subterranean tunnels for nearly three millennia. Will this ancient technique survive the impact of climate change?

Lebanon, Dubai, Turkey, Belarus, Poland, Lithuania, Germany... Belarus has been accused of issuing tourist visas to migrants and helping them to enter Europe. How is the complete journey of migrants arriving from the Middle East to Europe via Minsk? Which role does the Belarus government play in it? What reasons force these individuals and families, including children, to embark on such a dangerous trip?