Predators rarely hunt cubs. Nature has created such a mechanism to maintain the continuity of species. Otherwise, few cubs would have a chance to survive and reach adulthood.

Perhaps that is why the sight of a bombed kindergarten evokes visual denial or contradiction. It is challenging to reconcile colourful walls, small colourful chairs or pink beds covered with debris, wall fragments and burns.

The mind recalls the image of children in these places and the question rings in the head - what if there were children here? Fortunately, they were not there. On the first day of the war, all schools, kindergartens and educational institutions were closed, and children were cut off from their education.

Residents wondered why this kindergarten was under fire. As in similar cases, they tried to rationalise it - maybe the target was a nearby GSM tower. But there are more and more such schools and kindergartens, which is hardly coincidental. And it is hard not to recognise the rightness of the decision to close educational institutions, as it turns out that it saved many young lives.
