Even though Kramatorsk experienced one of the most tragic missile attacks since the beginning of the Russian invasion, when 59 people were killed at the railway station, and 110 were injured, the city was rarely under fire.

Therefore, the inhabitants of Kramatorsk could probably feel relatively safe when they went to sleep.

At around 4.30 a.m., a missile exploded 30 metres from the apartment building, leaving a vast groundwater-filled funnel.

The blast's shock wave tore off all the leaves from the nearby trees, which fell, creating the impression of a green carpet on the ground. In the wall of the building, from the side of the explosion, the waves tore out all the framed windows and, destroying the apartments, went through to the other side of the building, pushing out the glass of the windows.

Municipal services arrived to estimate the magnitude of the losses, and the police gathered evidence of the attack through shrapnels and testimonies of the residents.

The wounded left the house, and the rest started tidying up their flats, but rather to recover what could be saved because, at that moment, it was hard to imagine that anyone could still be able to live there.

Everyone seems to be still shocked after this attack.

An older woman with blood on her face repeats that her mother always said the war would come. The plaster of the wall crushed her son while he was sleeping. He was seriously injured and taken to the hospital, and she was left alone and unable to take care of their apartment.

Maybe the neighbours would help her, but they must look after their belongings first. Looking at the enormity of the damage, it is hard to believe that only 25 people were injured and no one was killed.