No more protection for the Grey Wolf and an encounter with an elusive chameleon

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has announced that it aims to terminate the protection of the grey wolf as it is “neither a threatened nor endangered species”. The conservation groups around the country oppose the decision, stating that the move is premature and the U.S. still lacks a national wolf recovery plan. One of the groups, Defenders of Wildlife, informed of its plans to sue the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service over that decision. There are 6000 wolves across the 48 U.S. states now, and the animal has been considered endangered since 1978.

The scientists from the mixed German-Madagascar expedition to the north of this African island claim that they have encountered a Voeltzkow’s chameleon. The animal wasn’t spotted in a hundred years. It is elusive, and its lifespan is very short – they are believed to be born, grow and die during the few months of the rainy season. It is also the first time when the female of the species was documented. Today, deforestation in Madagascar threatens its habitat.

The pace with which humans are killing the North Atlantic right whale is faster than previously thought, according to the new modeling. Only 356 whales remain – a significant decline since last year’s 409 – and only about 70 of those are breeding females. The scientists say that the species still can be saved – in the past their numbers were even lower. “But we have to stop killing them – we’re killing them at an alarming rate” – claim the researchers.

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9 February 2025