The return of wildlife in Europe and trout in the USA

Thanks to Europe’s ongoing conservation and reintroduction programs, gray wolves, European beavers, grey seals and bisons have re-emerged in record numbers and have the largest geographic range yet. Between 1965 and 2016, the wolf population increased by nearly 1,800% in certain regions. The number of brown bears (there are now more than 50,000 on the European continent) and humpback whales is also increasing. Bird species such as barnacle goose, griffon vulture, white egret, Dalmatian pelican, bearded vulture and white-tailed eagle are also re-growing. The report is a collaboration between the Zoological Society of London, BirdLife International and the European Bird Census Council.

Approximately 15 griffon vultures from Spain have been released into the wild in Cyprus to replenish the population there, which is now roughly 8-10 individuals. Another 15 vultures brought from Spain – which is home to 90-95% of the European population of these birds – will be released in Cyprus in 2023. Without these measures, the griffon vultures would disappear from the island in about 15 years, mainly due to the deliberate poisoning of them by local residents

According to Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW), Oncorhynchus clarkii, or cutthroat trout, has begun to reproduce in the wild in Colorado after more than 10 years of rescue efforts to halt the extinction of the species. The fish was declared extinct in 1937, but single specimens were found in southwest Colorado Springs, as well as in the Arkansas River basin in 2012.

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24 February 2025