LGBTQ+ Rights to Marriage and Parenthood

Thailand’s parliament has made history by becoming the first country in Southeast Asia to legalize same-sex marriage. Once the law goes into effect, Thailand will join Nepal and Taiwan as the third Asian jurisdiction to legalize same-sex marriage. The law redefines marriage as a civil partnership between two people and replaces gender-specific terms such as “men”, “women”, “husbands”, and “wives” with gender-neutral language. It also grants LGBTQ+ couples equal rights to inheritance and adoption as heterosexual couples.

In England, 48% of lesbian and gay parents worry that their child may face bullying at school, and over half of LGBTQ+ parents have encountered negative comments about their families. According to a report by Just Like Us, more than a third of lesbian and gay parents have been subjected to invasive and unpleasant questions, such as strangers asking about their child’s sperm donor, with 39% of those incidents involving lesbian mothers. Additionally, over 40% of children with LGBTQ+ parents have faced comments about their parents.

The UK has seen a 37.5% increase in reported hate crimes against LGBTQ+ individuals over the past two years. According to the abuse charity Galop, there is a surge in demand for community support during Pride events, with the number of hate crimes against LGBTQ+ individuals rising by up to 60% compared to any other three-month period of the year.

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6 February 2025