Green Cement, Food Recycling in the Emirates, and Alternatives to Plastic

The University of Cambridge has developed a large-scale method for producing ultra-low-emission concrete. The method uses recycled steel and electrically powered arc furnaces to simultaneously recycle cement, a concrete component with a high carbon footprint. The recycled cement can be used to make new concrete. 

In the United Arab Emirates, the recycling app Reloop is helping businesses, from restaurants to farms, save money. Instead of sending food waste to landfill, the app collects and undergoes a composting process, where it is broken down into nutrient-rich soil. This compost is then used at local farmers’ fields, making growing food in the desert country easier and more sustainable. According to scientists from the Universities of Leicester and Cape Town, red, blue, and green plastics break down into microplastics faster than black, white, and silver plastics. Retailers and manufacturers should pay more attention to the color of plastics and avoid plastics that break down faster in the environment.

The California Legislature has passed legislation that would prohibit retailers in the state from giving customers any plastic bags, including reusable bags that were previously allowed. Grocery stores could sell paper bags made from at least 50% recycled material. If approved by Gov. Gavin Newsom and others, the legislation could go into effect on Jan. 1, 2026.

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18 February 2025