Technology and environmental protection: mangroves, peat bogs and forest robots

The United Arab Emirates has planted mangrove trees since the 1970s and plans to plant another 100 million mangroves by 2030. Mangroves capture 43,000 t t CO₂ a year, protect communities from storms and flooding, and the Avicennia marina variety is resistant to salinity and high temperatures. Meanwhile, using aerial photography, drones and multispectral imaging, the British create precise maps of the Hatfield Moors, allowing them to be monitored and protected. Peat bogs are a natural reservoir that absorbs carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

Environmentalists Junglekeepers and robotic company ABB Ltd are running a pilot project in the Peruvian Amazon using solar-powered robots to plant trees. One robot can sow 600 seeds in one morning, i.e. two football fields of the future forest during the day. This technology can help combat deforestation while involving local people.

Scientists at the Atlantic White Shark Conservancy monitor great white sharks off the coast of Cape Cod, Massachusetts. They use sensors that record the depth at which animals swim, their speed and direction of movement. Approximately 300 sharks also have sensors emitting high-frequency sound to receivers along the coast. In addition, cameras mounted on predators track animal movements and ensure beachgoers’ safety. Information about sharks’ behaviour is publicly available through a free app.

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3 March 2025