Włodzimierz Nowak

Włodzimierz Nowak

Reporter, for the last 5 years he managed “Duży Format” - reporters magazine published by Polish biggest liberal newspaper and media outlet. His work has been recognized with a German George Dehio Cultural Awards (2010), Polish-German Journalist Prize 2009 and an SDP Kazimierz Dziewanowski Prize (2005) for a series of reportages from Belarus.

His reporters’ books include “Obwód głowy” (in the finals of the Polish prestigious literary award - Nike 2008), “Serce narodu koło przystanku” (in the finals of the Ryszard Kapuściński Award for Literary Reportage 2009), „Niemiec. Wszystkie ucieczki Zygfryda” (nominated for Nike 2017), „Dżej Dżej. Rozmowy z Jackiem Jaśkowiakiem, prezydentem Poznania” (2017, with Violetta Szostak as a co-author).

The European Union, associated with the policy of open borders, is currently surrounded by over 2,000 kilometers of border fences.