The device which generates power while walking and the world’s first hydrogen-electric passenger flight

Scientists created a small device that could generate energy from a slight breeze created during walking. It could be out on a person’s arm – the airflow just from natural arm swinging while walking would be sufficient. In its current form, it can power 100 LED light and temperature sensors. It consists of two plastic strips that become electrically charged when they flutter in the wind through a process called the triboelectric effect. It is effective with a breeze of 1.6 meters per second (5.75 km/h) and in the future may be used as a power source for cell phones or even compete with traditional wind turbines.

The world’s first hydrogen-electric passenger flight took place on September 24th. The plane made by ZeroAvia company can take up to six passengers and – according to the manufacturer – will make over 400 km long, zero-emission flight by the end of 2020.

An inorganic chemical compound called Prussian blue is a key component of sodium-ion batteries. The pigment, which was developed by a Berlin color maker in the early 18th century, is excellent at storing sodium ions, which allows making batteries of high power and long cycle of life. It recharges fast and can deliver short bursts of energy. Sodium-ion batteries are used as alternate powers systems for data centers in case of blackouts as well as stationary storage used by utilities to capture renewable energy and deliver electricity to consumers hours later.

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3 March 2025