Migrants are trying to get to Great Britain

Great Britain is due to leave the European Union at the end of this month, on January 31, 2020. Although there is still a year left for most changes to be implemented. For instance, the British will still be able to travel to any EU member state without a visa until December 31, 2020.

However, the number of people attempting to reach the UK has increased significantly, especially in recent weeks, according to Lucy Moreton, general secretary of the UK’s Immigration Service Union. More than 1,800 people crossed over the English Channel in 2019, a figure six times higher than last year, when about 300 people reached the UK by boat, according to research by BBC. And the number of people trying to cross the English Channel was also four times higher, according to AFP.

On December 17, a ship was intercepted in the English Channel with 69 people on board, including ten children, from Iran, Iraq and Uzbekistan, according to Al Jazeera. In the countdown to Brexit, non-European immigrants multiply while Europeans shrink. The latest Office for National Statistics data shows that the number of European immigrants in the UK in 2019 was the lowest in 16 years”

More about: Migration
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