How to deal with sexual orientation harassment

PC gamers from the LGBTQ+ community – those with marginalized sexual orientation or gender identity – use the gaming world to express themselves freely despite hostile environments in real life. They use video games as a means of self-expression, especially when they face discrimination in real life. According to a report from GLAAD, around one in five intense gamers belong to the LGBTQ+ community. They are 11% more likely to use games as an escape from difficult real-world situations than heterosexual and cisgender people. Moreover, 66% of them find it more comfortable to express themselves through gaming than in real life.

Unfortunately, new laws in some US jurisdictions targeting the LGBTQ+ community have put families and children at risk of physical attacks and suicide. In 2023 alone, over 500 bills were considered in state legislatures, and 84 of them were accepted. These laws limit discourse on LGBTQ+ people, and legal protection for queer and transgender youth. However, research shows that family support is crucial for the mental resilience of queer and trans children. Therefore, parents are creating safe spaces, such as online communities, to support each other and find LGBTQ+-friendly places to raise their children in the United States.

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10 March 2025