Research of common features of animals and humans.

According to research by experts from the University of Michigan, mountain gorillas who face a lot of adversity but live longer than six years later live as long as their untraumatized peers. It is a unique feature among animals and humans, as adversity in early life is often associated with negative effects on longevity and health in adulthood. Scientists do not yet know the reasons for the resistance of young gorillas, and solving that mystery may help people struggling to cope with childhood traumas.

Experiments conducted at the University of Queensland have shown that early human brain development features are similar to those of marsupial brains. These findings will help better understand the brain patterns associated with human neurodevelopmental conditions such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD). In addition, according to the researcher, Dr Suárez, “they highlight early brain development processes that originated millions of years ago and continue with little change, possibly influencing the evolution and differentiation of the cerebral cortex.”

According to the results of research carried out on herring gulls in Brighton, these birds can check which leftovers are worth eating based on observations of people’s eating habits. During the experiment of scientists from the University of Sussex, 95% of seagulls pecked at a packet of chips of the same colour the scientist had eaten earlier. The researchers say, “This skill must be due to the seagulls’ general intelligence and behavioural flexibility.”

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3 March 2025