The economic and military grwoth of China

It will take China only fifteen years before it develops capabilities to fight extended foreign wars. A report to the U.S. Congress informs that over the next five years China will work on its capabilities of performing large-scale military operations within “its maritime periphery”. From then on, in 10 to 15 years, it will develop the power to participate in a limited war overseas, mainly to protect its interest in countries participating in the Belt and Road initiative. By “mid-century” it will acquire an ability to operate its military anywhere in the world.

China surpassed the U.S. as the biggest trade partner of the E.U. and as a top market for Asia-Pacific firms. The change in trade came after the three quarters into 2020 and has been a result of the quick China recovery from the pandemic resulting in fast restoration of trade. At the same time, the exchange between the U.S. and Europe declined by over 10%.

The Chinese growth comes with tensions as the diplomatic relations between Australia and China are the worst in 50 years. Last week, Chinese officials criticized the Australians for alleged war crimes in Afghanistan, a move that came together with the attack in Chinese state media. Both countries clash over a variety of issues. The conflict is on the rise at least since 2017, when Australia banned foreign political donations in the aura of China intending to affect elections. Later Australia was the first country to ban Huawei from its 5G network, with China significantly raising tariffs on imports from Australia in response.

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