Karolina Baca-Pogorzelska, born in 1983 in Jaworzno, is a graduate of the Faculty of Journalism and Social Communication at the University of Warsaw (2007), a journalist and a 2nd-degree mining engineer. She is a Journalist of the Year 2019 of Towarowa Giełda Energii, mining awards winner of the Central Mining Institute and the State Mining Authority. She was also awarded in the Journalists for Climate competition.
She worked, among others, in "Dziennik Wschodni", "Rzeczpospolita" and "Dziennik Gazeta Prawna" and cooperated with Biznesalert.pl, Salon24.pl and OKO.press. Along with the photographer Tomasz Jodłowski she published „Drugie życie kopalń” (Wydawnictwo Tartak Wyrazów, 2013), „Babska szychta” (Tartak Wyrazów, 2014) i „Ratownicy. Pasja Zwycięstwa” (Cinematix Studio, 2015). As a result of two years of investigative reporting with Michał Potocki they published "Czarne złoto. Wojny o węgiel z Donbasu” (Czarne) about the anthracite import from the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine.
They won the Grand Press and the Dariusz Fikus Prize and they were nominated for MediaTory and Nagrody Radia ZET im. Andrzeja Woyciechowskiego. Karolina and Piotr Czaban organized the #UwolnićOmara campaign to save a couple of Syrian journalists and their children. They succeeded and got a Press Club Polska special award as well as were honoured by Nagrody Radia ZET im. Andrzeja Woyciechowskiego. Karolina Baca-Pogorzelska helps the Foundation Light for Syria Foundation, which supports internally displaced people on the Syrian-Turkish border.