
Quitting coal

It's March 5, 2022. Russian troops have been attacking Irpin for some time, but the city has been under heavy artillery fire for several days. On that day, Russians announced the opening of a humanitarian corridor for the residents.

Lebanon, Dubai, Turkey, Belarus, Poland, Lithuania, Germany... Belarus has been accused of issuing tourist visas to migrants and helping them to enter Europe. How is the complete journey of migrants arriving from the Middle East to Europe via Minsk? Which role does the Belarus government play in it? What reasons force these individuals and families, including children, to embark on such a dangerous trip?

Every year millions of second-hand cars are exported from the USA, the EU, and Japan to West Africa and non-OECD countries in general. With them, rich nations "outsource" pollution, a higher risk of accidents, and the responsibility for the safe disposal of old automobiles. Paradoxically, a buyer in a less wealthy country has to pay even a few times the car's worth in the West.

Sri Lanka records the highest number of elephant deaths in the world. It became an alarming conservation concern in the island that involved 121 people and 407 elephants killed in 2019 and 318 elephants and 112 people killed in 2020 despite COVID-19 lockdown. Meet the Sri Lankans who are helping to reduce hostilities with jumbos using GPS collars, electric fences, handmade gadgets and alternative cropping.

The COVID-19 arrived in Brazil through the upper class but has spread like wildfire throughout the poorest communities. This is the story of the grassroots initiatives that were launched by the residents of three favelas in São Paulo to face the problems caused or exacerbated by the pandemic.

Following the Turkish offensive, in October 2019, Outriders started a diary from Rojava, the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria. We used WhatsApp to create a multimedia story from a conflict zone.

Even though it is a vaccine-preventable disease, measles kills over 100,000 people every year. Worldwide cases tripled in the first three months of 2019.

11.2% of the world's population dies because of pollution. More than 90% inhale air of poor quality. "Deep Breath" is an interactive report on the global smog problem which many countries are unable or unwilling to deal with.