February 20, 2014

A medal with the inscription "For returning of Crimea" and the date “20 February 2014” was made in Russia due to the annexation of the Peninsula. According to the Ukrainians, this is the confirmation of the fact that Russia began the military operation in the Crimea when Viktor Yanukovych was still the President of Ukraine (he was deprived of his position due to the decision of Ukrainian Parliament only on February 22, 2014). The beginning of the operation in Crimea was set on 20 February 2014 in accordance with the medal made in Russia, which relates to the annexation of Crimea. In the photographs: The so-called little green men or unmarked Russian soldiers in Simferopol during the annexation of Crimea. Na fotografiach: tzw. zielone ludziki w Symferopolu, czyli nieoznakowani rosyjscy żołnierze podczas aneksji Krymu.