Marta Zdzieborska

Marta Zdzieborska

Marta Zdzieborska - a journalist and reporter, cooperating with "Tygodnik Powszechny". Her articles were published in "Wysokie Obcasy", "Polityka", "Gazeta Stołeczna" and "Znak" Monthly. She wrote, among others, about refugees from Donbas, a migration crisis in Europe and the banking scandal in Moldova. She also covered the topic of Syrian and Iraqi families who were waiting unsuccessfully in Athens for the EU relocation program to Poland. She won an Adolf Boheński Honorary Mention Award of Polish Journalists Association (2016) and the Bartek Zdunka Young Journalists Prize (2017). She worked for in 2016-2018.
She is the author of "Tamtego życia już nie ma", a book about refugees in Poland. She currently lives in California, where she writes reportage and articles about the current situation in the USA.